Career Profile

  • Passionate and dedicated leader with 19 years of experience in diverse professional environments.
  • Excellent communication & management skills, leveraging team members to bring projects to success.
  • Strong technical background allowing to stay close to developers and help them to provide original and efficient solutions.
  • Multicultural experience, leading people from US, EU, India to solve problems for stakeholders from all regions (APAC, LATAM, US/Canada, EU, Africa)


Senior Manager

2022 - Present
NIQ, Lyon (France)

Development of the company new offering. Providing on demand aggregation of data directly to our customers. With a solution highly scalable, able to server clients in the whole world.

Help best performers to grow their carreer and take more responsibilities.

Leveraging new technologies and cloud capacity: Azure, Snowflake, Docker, Kubernetes

Tech Lead

2016 - 2022
NielsenIQ, Vienna (Austria)

Technology leader of one of the 2 factories (Consumer Panel Services). Bringing high scalability to the European software to allow it to become the new only international service, following the new vision of the company.

Key aspects of success:

  • To lead and leverage teams of developers. As the project grew in scope, I led the recruitment of a large-scale team.
  • To embrace, promote an drive changes (Oracle to Parquet, Waterfall to Agile, heavy process to Devops, On Premise to the Cloud, ...)
  • End to end management of projects. Working in collaboration with Business, Operations and Data scientists to serve our clients need.

Project Manager

2013 - 2015
Nielsen, Oxford (UK)

Managing technology projects end to end (up to 3 projects in parallel). Working with multicultural and remote teams (France and India), for internal clients all over the world (US, Europe, Asia). I also during this period became the European Agile reference, transforming a close to impossible project using Waterfall into one of the first Agile success in Nielsen Europe

During those 2 years, I learned all the rigour and processes required to successfully drive bigger projects. Those were a stepping stone for what is coming next.

Chief Engineer

2009 - 2013
CoDecision Technology, Bordeaux

In charge of architecture and development of the start-up product. Managing team members locally and remotely. I was also involved in all marketing/commercial actions, participating to exhibitions, investors/client meetings, demonstrations, ...

Working in a startup was excellent learning experience. In this context, I had quickly more responsibilities and participated in many various activities.


2006 - 2008
Altran CIS, Paris/Bordeaux

Successfully completed 4 missions in 3 different companies. First as a developer (Oracle, C#, Java) gradualy evolving to more responsibilities (Support developer, Project developer, Project Management, Architecture).

This experience as a Consultant was a perfect opportunity to step up in active life and discover different industries (telecom, textile industry, eCommerce)


Leadership and Team Management Management and coaching of large technical teams.
Change Management Agile transformation, Cloud project management and DevOps.
Technical competencies Azure, Snowflake, Docker, Kubernetes, Parquet,...
Soft skills Assertiveness, strategic vision, technological curiosity, sense of priorities.